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North Texas Infectious Diseases Consultants (NTIDC) can provide drug therapies administered via infusion that include antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, specialty medications including IVIG. We have onsite PICC and mid-line placement and are able to administer these therapies in our infusion suite or patients may choose to do these at home.

"Traditional" prescription drug therapies commonly administered via infusion include antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, biologics, IVIG. We have onsite PICC placement and are able to administer these therapies at our infusion suites or with home IV therapy provided when appropriate.

What is an Infusion?

Infusion is a procedure of delivering medications or other fluids directly into your vein. The procedure, also called intravenous (IV) administration, is performed using a needle or catheter that is inserted into the vein. 

Where are Infusions Performed?

Infusion is mostly performed in a hospital or other health care setting. However, it can also be done at outpatient infusion therapy centers or the patient’s home. Home infusion has been proven to be a convenient, safe and effective alternative to inpatient infusion.

Indications for Infusions

Patients who cannot take medication orally or those whose condition is so severe that periodic oral or injectable treatments are not effective are the prime candidates for IV infusion. 

Usually, an infusion is recommended in cases of:

  • Immune deficiencies
  • Chronic infections that are unresponsive to oral antibiotics
  • Serious diseases (psoriasis, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis, etc.)

Types of Infusions

There are different types of infusion available depending on your condition. Infusions offered at our offices include:

  • Antibiotics, antifungals or antiviral infusions: Helps in fighting and destroying microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi or viruses.
  • Immunoglobulin infusion: Proteins present in the serum and cells of the immune system, which function as antibodies and fight infections, are delivered through the vein. 
  • Infusion of bisphosphonates: Certain drugs are delivered through the vein to limit or prevent loss of bone density that occurs during osteoporosis or bone cancer.

Preparing for an Infusion

Receiving an infusion requires some preparation for you to be comfortable during and after the procedure. Therefore, before the infusion you are expected to:

  • Properly hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water 
  • Make some extra effort into getting quality sleep and rest
  • You may need to bring a friend or family member who can drive you to the infusion location and back 

During the infusion, you will need to sit in a chair and not move around. It’s a good idea to have a book or magazine or other items to pass the time.

Infusion Procedure

Infusion is a simple procedure during which you will be asked to sit or lie down. The vein at the infusion site, typically your arm, is located. A nurse will disinfect the skin over the site prior to inserting a needle or catheter into the vein and then connect the medication or fluid bag or bottle to the infusion site. The length and the frequency of infusion depend on the type and dose of medication required and varies for different medications. 

Benefits of Infusion

Benefits can be long-lasting and include but are not limited to the following:

  • Fast acting, as medicines are delivered directly into your bloodstream
  • Ensures 100% bioavailability of medications by bypassing the digestive system
  • Reduces time spent in hospitals, clinics or healthcare centers
  • Helps you return to work or daily activities fast with less risk of infection

North Texas Infectious Diseases Consultants (NTIDC) hospital avoidance program is set up to provide other physicians with alternatives to hospital admissions and emergency department visits for their patients. We are able to provide infusion services including PICC placement the same or next day of receiving the needed documentation and insurance approval.